What Inspires Me

It brings me great joy to see people & communities come alive!

This could look like tapping into a deepening joy of learning… embracing our capacity to be the change we wish to see in the world… building our dream offerings in ways that align our gifts & passions and bring us deeply into the inherent inter-connectedness of all life…!

A special welcome for femme / BIPOC / queer-identifying clients and collaborators.

We are all collectively sensing that a new way of being is emerging. We are each called to be present for this birthing and contribute in ways that only we can. I see us walking side by side as siblings with a common yearning.

I am honored to be in this journey with you.

My passion is in supporting people & teams in learning how to learn…

And it’s in my blood.
I am the daughter of educators, librarians, farmers, and engineers.

With roots around the globe, facilitation and translation is also in my blood.

I am proudly of mixed heritage, indigenous to the western hemisphere and actively learning to honor all my ancestors.

I welcome you to an exploratory call with me!

A few of my interests

Humans, Earth, Life, Math (e.g., real analysis), Psychology (integral theory), Libraries (communities of practice), Knowledge Engineering (ontologies & systems design), Writing (poetry & articulation), Grammar (structures), Architecture (intentional spaces), Curriculum design (learning maps), Giftivism (reciprocity), Indigenous and Earth-based wisdom, Coaching (learning-partnering), Continuous improvement, Singing, Visual Arts

I also enjoy long walks, singing, and laughing with beloveds!