One on One Coaching

One-on-One Practice

Are you…?

  • Expanding: Called to expand your capacity to serve?
  • Integrating: Seeking to integrate the gifts of rationality AND honor all your ways of knowing?
  • Overcoming Challenges: Desiring to move through the lessons of recurring challenges to what comes next?
  • Noticing Contradictions: Struggling to navigate the subtle or overt contradictions you’re seeing in or around you?
  • Desiring Accountability: Curious to explore accountability in a caring container that welcomes your human experience?

Ready for a different kind of learning?

Learn to experience each challenge as an opportunity to grow into your next level of excellence.

During our time together, we will hold space for cultivating an experience of spaciousness from which your wisdom can arise. In that space, we can explore possibilities and uncover new paths forward.

We’ll design small tests of your ideas, reflect on your experiences, track your progress in nourishing ways & strategically aim your efforts based on your learnings.

Think of this journey as developing a versatile formula you can apply again & again to anything big or small that needs to keep evolving!

This approach to Leadership Development brings together all the pieces, plus…

  • Learning partnership
    • Listening & essentializing to identify what is most poignant for you
    • Space holding for reflection on learnings
    • Supporting you to see things that are hard for you to see
  • Strategy
    • Articulate your vision and existing strategies, study them to develop your next strategies
    • Design intentional experiments to catalyze all your efforts towards fulfilling your mission
  • Capacity Building in all things continuous improvement!
    • Grow your own capacity & then support your teams to grow theirs; transform your org from the inside out!

A selection of skills you can develop through our collaboration

  1. Reflective practice
  2. Scientific problem solving
  3. Continuous improvement
  4. Principles-based practice
  5. Vision and mission refinement
  6. Strategy development & testing
  7. Learning through small tests of change
  8. Collaborative facilitation
  9. Knowledge management
  10. Productivity tools

More about these skills

Let’s Explore Options
