One shape coaching can take

Develop and test your personal strategy, in a container of caring reflection, thought partnership, and creative accountability to support you to gather your tools & develop your practice of continuous improvement via evidence-based problem solving and small, intentional learning cycles.

We’ll design small tests of your ideas, reflect on your experiences, track your progress in nourishing ways & aim your efforts based on your learnings.

Theme: Experimenting your way to Excellence 

  • Identify what’s in front of you now & what you want it to become
  • Develop “eyes to see” what’s getting in your way & articulate the elements of the life you’re inspired to be living into + how you know that you’re getting closer
  • Evolve your approach to fact-based problem solving, building skills in reflection & experimentation in service of continuous improvement (and lifelong learning!)

Example Flow for One-on-One
Longer-term: 2-6 month container, min. 1-2 hrs/week

  1. Scope. Identify where to focus first & what success looks like.
  2. Develop a strategy & small tests of change.
  3. At least weekly: Reflect on your learnings & adjust accordingly, developing new skills, & building out continuous improvement systems as we go.
  4. At least monthly: Zoom out & review progress, course-correct our collaboration as needed.

Ultimately it’s all about what you need. Let’s connect and customize a way forward that fits your circumstances! Contact